Monday 4 October 2010

Microfiction Monday: #51 4 October 2010

Every Monday, the multi-talented Susan at Stony River: A Writing Life puts up a pic to spur all who want to to tell a tale within 140 characters. Anyone who wants then gets creating. This week I came up with this:

I had the gold hat and the robes, the lakes and the castles. I had the plumage and the riches. She held the reins of the flying horse.


  1. Ah but did she have his heart strings as well?

    I'm waiting for another sentence. :)

  2. That's the way us women are.... :O)

  3. Maybe to add to what Hope said, the reins to the Flying Horse is his Heart Strings

  4. Sounds like a fair balance of power -- a necessary thing for any pair!

  5. An unusual take on he picture - I liked it!
