Monday 30 August 2010

Microfiction Monday: #46 30 August 2010

Every Monday, the heroic Susan at Stony River: A Writing Life posts a picture to inspire a tale within 140 characters. We all who wish to then get typing. Here's this week's picture with my contribution:

Drugs shrink below the sky, girls can’t curve like pines curve, fame’s a gutter by the highway. Hell take Coolville, I’m heading to Belpre.


  1. Coolville just thinks it's too cool for itself, if ya ask me :)

  2. And a strange journey begins. :)

  3. ??? Interesting...Oh! ye'll take the high road and I'll take the low road, and...

  4. Yep, coolville's not all it's talked up to be. ;-)

    Nice take on picture.

  5. This is different. I like! Great take on the picture.

  6. Holy cow, you never disappoint -- I'm only sorry it takes me so long these days to get here from Monday!

    I'm sorry too that I'm not commenting through the week, but I am reading whenever I can. I'm drowning in real-world red tape but (hopefully) that can't last forever.

